Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Peer To Peer Video Streaming C#

Hello To All,

This is my first blog on P2P Streaming.When i started working on it i found it very hard but later
i felt easy and continued my development.Now i m able to capture from webcam .I can broadcast my webcam to the persons who are in my mesh or group. But the problem comes when i try to view another webcam on my application ,Stream gets mixed it shows mixed stream of two webcam 's .I googled, researched and worked very hard to get a way but no gain.So i decided to post a blog on P2P Streaming.

I m developing my application in WPF Browser Application.
*Certificate problem is there it should be installed automatically right now i have to install it manually.
Please help me to get the best solution.

Thanks ans Best Regards
Hardeep Singh Bhullar


  1. good job harry. surly if I find some one then I will tell u ok


  2. hey hardeep can you throw some light on peer to peer video streaming in wpf
